Covid-19 Handwashing Site

“We all know that since last December, the whole world has been faced with a deadly pandemic that is the corona virus scientifically called COVID-19. Currently, there’s more than 690,000+ deaths and more than 10 millions+ people infected worldwide. So far, there are no drugs or vaccines available to help fight this dangerous virus. In Haiti, last March with the confirmation of 2 cases, the government made the decision to close the borders, schools, churches universities. Currently, the country has more than 5,000 cases and nearly a hundred deaths. Taking into account the level of precariousness of the living conditions of the people both socially and economically, the irresponsible behavior of the leaders, and the insufficiency of precaution and prevention materials, we still fear a wave of contamination and cases of death in large scale in the upcoming months. This is a worrying situation that deserves to be addressed with caution.

So far in Haiti, the people are taking measures of containment, social distancing, wearing of masks and sanitary (washing hands with chlorine and alcohol products) which seems to be limiting the spread of the virus. Now the government is preparing to reopen the country, starting with airports and the imminent resumption of certain activities such as the functioning of churches and schools. This will have a big consequence on the community and may lead to more cases and deaths. This project is to strengthen protective measures, particularly hand washing in order to limit the spread of the virus in the country.”

COVID-19 in Haiti

To participate in the efforts against the spread of COVID-19 in Haiti, we developed a project to install a chlorinated hand-washing water system to promote sanitary practices. We partnered with a local school in the city of Drouillard, where there are no resources available in the community to combat the virus.

We installed the chlorine hand-washing site at the school which is also made available to the community. We hope to also motivate and bring awareness to the communities on the importance of hand-washing in the fight against the spread of COVID-19.

A child in the community washing his hands after the installation of the site.

Let’s continue to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Haiti together!

Let’s continue to stop the spread of COVID-19 in Haiti together!