Drouillard, a city in Haiti, grapples with persistent issues of gang violence. However, amidst these challenges, a sewing project has emerged as a beacon of hope and a means of escape for the youth within the community. Initiated in 2020, this project has progressively expanded its reach. Presently, it has engaged a cohort of 22 students and witnessed significant success in empowering and uplifting the community.
The municipality of Mirebalais is located in the lower Central Plateau in the Centre Department. This town has many traditional schools but not enough vocational training centers for young people to learn trades and earn a livelihood in a healthy manner. This project is aimed at addressing this urgent need for youth training. Currently, the program has 22 registered students.
Passe-Pilons is a community in the communal section of Gascogne in the municipality of Mirebalais. With few opportunities for the youth, the vast majority of teenagers remain in the area without being able to continue their education, without a profession, and without economic activities. This project has opened up opportunities for the community, having currently serving 50 youth in the program.
Jonc is a small community in Croix des Bouquets in the West Department. Two major difficulties line the youth's paths: parents' inability to pay for their education in secondary schools and the prevailing insecurity in this area. This forces the vast majority to stay at home, unable to continue their education, pursue a profession, or engage in economic activities. It is out of a genuine concern to provide these young individuals with an opportunity to acquire a manual profession that can help them face life's challenges that this sewing project has been developed. This program currently has 22 registered students.