Our Community Project
Roof Project for a Church in Haiti.
We are currently working on different projects in Haiti to serve and impact the community. Some of our current projects include building a water well in a small town in need of sanitary water, funding for a school that is in critical condition , and a roof project for a small town church. See how you can help us today!
Project Overview
The roofing/building project is a project aiming to finish the roof of El-Shaddai Christian Church of Mirebalais in Haiti. Elshaddai Christian Church of Mirebalais is located in the city of Mirebalais, north of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The church was founded in 2003 and has grown exponentially since then. Through their own efforts and giving, the church was able to buy their own land and started construction years ago. Despite economic struggles, they were able to build the foundations and the walls of the church.
However, because the city of Mirebalais is known for its Rocky Mountains, the steep land requires that the church sets two floor levels before reaching the appropriate ground level for the church to be accessible and visible. The first level of the church has been set as previously mentioned, but due to lack of funding and the economic situations, the roof has never been able to be laid. Since Haiti is a country prone to catastrophic disasters as well as a poor economy which recently led the inflation rate to rise to 17% in 2018 (World Bank), these dire situations have made it impossible for the church to raise the funds to lay the roof.
Statement of Need
As a result of its geographic position and global warming, Haiti is vulnerable to the threats of earthquakes and hurricanes. This requires that constructions in Haiti are to be hurricane and earthquake resistant, able to withstand constant flooding threats. The current lack of proper infrastructure in the church brings an overwhelming fear to the people. Presently, the congregation is worshiping under metal roofing sheets which causes a lot of dangers. For instance, during heavy rain seasons and hurricanes, the metal roofing sheets leak. Leaks often cause rust and fissures which causes the church to spend huge amounts of money they do not have to replace them. Faced with this situation, the church is now looking for financial support to lay the roof on the first floor that will provide a safe, stable, and permanent environment for the congregation to worship.
Financial Analyst $15,500.
This project will cost about $15,500 (USD) to be achieved. This will cover the necessary cost, labor, and materials needed.
With your donation, to finish the first level of the building by:
1. Laying down the first level of the roof which will provide a stronger foundation to the church, preventing building collapses and continual rusting of sheet metals ($7,834)
2. Finishing the building by rough-casting and finishing the walls ($6,178)
3. Fixing the doors and windows throughout the church which is part of that first level ($1,400)
4. Painting the building ($667)
Haiti frequently faces sanitary crisis. This has resulted in an increase in the need for sanitary products such as liquid or solid soaps, detergents, disinfectants, or chlorine to disinfect and clean. Saponification is the chemical process of creating soaps and disinfectants.
Having this skill, many will be equipped with the knowledge to create these products and sell them, allowing them to make money. This project will consist of 17 students.